Personalize the Blessings Around You

The very first phrase mentioned in the Quran is a phrase of expressing thankfulness. You will thank God when you discover God's greatness and that God has showered innumerable blessings upon you.

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I was talking to a person. He said he had gone to the park for a walk. When he saw the blooming flowers, he began to appreciate their beauty. He found beautiful art in the flowers. I said that this was a great realization. But there was something more to discover beyond this. If you discover this world as a beautiful piece of art, you will have the impression of an artist in your mind. You will think that the universe is a great art of a great artist. You will be filled with a sense of awe for the artist. But you won't be able to give the response of thankfulness. To be thankful, you have to discover God as the Benefactor and Giver, and not merely as an artist. If you say that the universe is a great art and God is a great artist, you will simply discover God as an artist. But that is not enough. You must discover that God has given you everything. Then alone you will be grateful. You need to personalize every blessing that has been bestowed on human beings. You need to think that it is you who has been given everything. Then an ocean of thankfulness will emerge within you. The Quran says: الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ (1:2) Commentators have said that the essence of al-hamdulillah is shukr, or thankfulness. The very first phrase mentioned in the Quran is a phrase of expressing thankfulness. You will thank God when you discover God's greatness and that God has showered innumerable blessings upon you.

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